My wonderful grandfather, "Pepa Brown", passed away February 12. It was a blessing that he went on to heaven, but he will be tremendously missed by all those that knew him and was blessed by his contagious joy.
Kinsley has decided she could attempt to talk, so our home has become a little louder! To be honest, I wasn't sure if she just wasn't choosing to try talking or if she wasn't able to. Knowing her precious little spirit, it isn't a huge surprise she just wanted to do it on her own time!
Recently, we rented the movie "Motherhood". It was just ok, but she did have some great quotes about motherhood. One I wanted to share below:
When I say I want to allow myself to fall into motherhood, I'm not talking about losing myself, I'm talking about allowing myself to be changed by it in the ways that I am meant to be changed so they will see it and want to live it too.
Being kind
Less Afraid
More vulnerable
Safe place
Choosing happiness
Motherhood is all about changing. Our children, they change overnight, growing and learning and being more all the time.I get scared that I won't have enough time to make sure they understand what I'm saying but not living out. I hate it that my own growing up takes so much more time, that they may be gone before I've finally allowed myself to be the best version of me.
Because the trickiest thing is that mothering is such sacrifice and there are so many demands in the daily grind, it leaves very little space and time for the growing up of me. There is no option other than slow to grow, when a mother is almost always buried in serving and trying to love it, distracted from herself. So, the cocooning process is terribly long, at least for me.
I make it no secret that I believe in a graceful God, one that takes our slow process and the ways we fail and redeems it, making butterflies out of sighing grumpy mother caterpillars,up in the air.And this is Grace, my children, already seeing me as that butterfly, even now on my slow-belly crawl through time.
And this is Motherhood, a chance to see myself through those merciful eyes of my children, and then live what they see, what I didn't see without them."
To me, there was a lot of truth in this quote. Thanks for allowing me a little time to share a bit from the Cordrey home!