Saturday, June 30, 2012

Quite a delay . . .

Lots to update since it has been AWHILE since my last post.  Let's see - Ella finished her first year at Christian Academy of Louisville.  Kinsley finished up in the Terrific Three's at preschool.  (I might add, after being in the exact same school since 4 months of age, she still - every morning - acts like it is the first morning she has ever been there and I have to peel her from my arms.  Oh girl!)  I finished my first year at Kenwood Station as the Reading Intervention teacher.  I loved it and am looking forward to going back this next year.  We just got back from a vacation to Gatlinburg (decided to stay relatively close since we got to take a big trip to Disney in April).  Anything else?  Oh - one more thing. . . baby boy is due October 2nd.  :)