Do you ever feel like you are living your life in the midst of chaos? I mean, when you step back and look at the whole picture, you really don't have anything to complain about it and your life is truly blessed beyond measure, but the day to day can feel like a whirlwind. Sometimes I think we were crazy to get a little puppy while the girls were so young. He doesn't know the difference between his "puppy approved" toys and the toddler toys that run the full range at our house. I feel like I am constantly taking a Fisher Price Little people toy back to it's place, picking up random shoes to avoid teeth marks, and chasing Wrigley down to catch him and the recent doll or stuffed animal he has made his new treasure. All in all, he is a great puppy, but is still just that - a puppy. The girls love him, even though he at times can turn and nibble, which makes it worthwhile at the end of the day. It just makes the days feel like chaos.
Not too mention that Kinsley seems to have made a hobby out of giving me slight heart palpatations through creatively injuring herself! Last week, we had two scraped knees, both of which occurred at different times. Then a scraped elbow the next morning. That evening, she decided to climb up in her parked stroller and jump out, which resulted in a scraped arm (the other side). To top it off, that Friday morning, she took a running leap into the corner of the dresser, resulting in a puncture right beside her right eye. That resulted in a trip to the Pediatrician to make sure stitches weren't needed. She has a sporty black war wound eye today to show for it. I know these are all minor things, but can make the day seem - you guessed it - chaotic.
There are lots of things to be thankful for in the midst - thank you that I can be home to kiss all the puppy bite boo boos and scraped knees. That's a special mom priviledge I don't want to share. Thank you for the finances to get a puppy because our girls truly love him and I think being pet owners will make them more compassionate in life. I'm thankful to have opportunities throughout the day to truly teach my girls, and in turn learn from their sweet innocence as well.
I think often about the Trace Adkins song, "You're Gonna Miss This". I agree. Even during the most chaotic and wild days, I cherish the moments - the special moments I know I will miss fondly.