Saturday, November 24, 2007

Random Pictures

I realized it had been a little while since I posted, so I thought I would add some new pictues. A few weekends ago, my mom's side of the family had a get together. We don't get to do this very often (actually, this was the first time Ronnie had ever met my cousin, if that tells you how often), so we had a good time. Notice the picture of Ronnie with my grandparents. We caught the shot at the perfect moment. He is being silly and my grandmother doesn't quite know what to think about him!
Ronnie was able to go to NYC a few weeks ago to visit his best friend, Brian. While he was out of town, Ella managed to fall up a flight of stairs (I know, her mom's coordination) and gave herself a black eye. I doubt that will be the first one of those we ever see!

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