No pictures for this post or updates about other holiday activities we have been doing at the Cordrey home. Instead, I felt like I just needed to write, for myself, a post about simply being thankful. I am so thankful for my wonderful family, my home, and especially the blessing of being Ella's mom.
As I write this, I think about the two families in our community that have recently experienced loss. Last night, one of my students called and told me another sweet boy from the high school was killed in a car accident. I know this isn't an isolated case and there are young people killed often in auto accidents, but it is different when you know the person and family. My heart aches for the family, especially so close to the holidays. He was a wonderful young man.
Today, I also heard that a good friend from high school lost his little boy this weekend. He had cancer and they knew to expect it, but they were hoping to have one more Christmas with him. He was only 5 years old and brought so much love and joy to his parents. I can't imagine what they must be feeling.
So I write this to ask you to pray for the Riley and Kerr families. I also write this for myself - to reflect on simply being thankful for the non-tangible blessings that are in my life, most importantly, the people I am blessed to have in my life.