Thursday, December 20, 2007

Trying to avoid the "hustle and bustle"

I feel like I wake up daily and think, "OK, today let's try and slow down a little bit and actually enjoy the holiday season for what it means." We have been trying to do different holiday activities with Ella during the month. We try to read the Christmas story by the tree and talk about the true meaning of Christmas.

Well, about a week ago, we also had the brillant idea that, "Sure, she's probably old enough to do and enjoy a gingerbread house." The enjoy part was right on - the finished product was a huge pile of icing and half eaten or licked toppings as decorations. She definitely had a great time, though!

We also had a kid's party at our house to decorate cookies with some of the little ones from church. They all seemed to have a great time, but I think I am still finding sprinkles along every nook and crevice. Mocha likes to help in that department, too!

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