Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Staying at home

I feel blessed that I am going to be able to stay home with Ella and the baby. In the same breath, this is new to me. I have taught since I graduated college, with summers often being occupied with PDs and planning. With that out of the focus now, I find myself craving some sort of schedule. Today, I decided I needed to go ahead and start some type of schedule or routine - even though we are still in the process of trying to sell our house / move / transition / etc. I had thought I would wait, but decided to go ahead and try some type of normal routine. This morning, after wake up / my shower (with Ella occupied by Dora) / and breakfast, I had planned time in the schedule for my quiet time. All of a sudden, she brought her Bible out and sat at my feet and began "reading" too. I realized that, too often, I am doing this when she isn't around and isn't there to see it. The purpose isn't for her to watch me, but it showed me a lot can come from living by example - in front of her and our future child.

Please pray for the quick sale of our home. It seems like just when we think we are close, something falls through (major disappointment yesterday). I am really trying to not stress about the whole deal and trust that God is just laying the groundwork for the right thing. My anxiousness sometimes gets the better of me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I definitely can relate to you wanting a routine. That's how I am too. And, you know, it'll be good for the baby and Ella too. You'll love being home with your babies! :)

Are you all moving towns or just houses?