Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekend Celebrating!

This past weekend, we decided to do a quick getaway to Cincinnati (for both Mother's Day and Ronnie's 36th Birthday. We had a great time, and the girls loved swimming in the hotel pool. It is interesting to me, though, how God has wired us. I mean, from the minute we become parents, it is as if every part of us, down to the way our brain works, instantly changes! We spent the weekend swimming in a hotel pool, mainly the kiddy pool, going to the Aquarium, going to bed early (since all the lights and noise should diminish somewhat early), eating kid friendly food, etc . . . and it was perfect! It is amazing how much joy it brings for both Ronnie and I to see our girls smile, giggle, laugh, and enjoy life. We couldn't ask for better gifts!

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