Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Learning moments

I try to be intentional about not just allowing the days to pass without meaning. I love capturing the special, as well as the simply ordinary, moments in photos that I will cherish my entire life. I love building traditions with my girls. I love finding things for us to do during the days and creating memories. Earlier in the year, I posted our family values - one being to work hard to live a slow paced life. I feel we do well with that, but it isn't easy. Being slow paced requires effort, as crazy as it sounds. Something I think I struggle with is just "being".

Even as I type, I feel I should go upstairs and engage with Ella in the playroom. However, a lot of what I have been reading lately in my quiet time has focused on listening to God through prayer, reading, and mostly being still. As important as it is to create memories and be intentional with parenting, I am learning it is just as important to be still and be - an element of mothering / self - growth that I struggle with daily. I think when I focus on not focusing on things (ironic humor in that statement), I will notice blessings during those moments as well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eggs! & Date Nights

Once a month, Ronnie and I "date" our girls. He takes either Ella or Kinsley, and I take the other for special one on one time with each of them. Kinsley is just now getting to the age where the poor thing doesn't get dragged to Target or the grocery store but actually gets some sort of fun interaction just for her. Seriously - cut a mom some slack. She was a baby, and some chores are just easier with one in tow!:) So for tonight's date - a trip to the mall to visit the Easter bunny and Chic Fil A, topped off with throwing coins in the fountain, and a kids' scoop from Baskin Robbins. We had a lot of fun together and she is getting so much personality. (Plus, mom took her by Picture People for a quick 18 month free 8 X 10 photo. )

I love that we date our girls. As they get older, I think that time will just make conversations and open relationships more natural. I cherish time with both of them, but especially value the one on one moments, too. I think also think that helps Ella feel important in the midst of Kinsley demanding more at times.
Yesterday, we worked on making "Resurrection Eggs" to welcome in Easter. I know you can buy pre-made eggs about every Christian book store, but Ella loved getting involved in the process. So we methodically worked through the list, finding perfect treasures for the theme of every egg. Today's was a palm branch, A.K.A. - a sprig off the bush by our front porch. I think she gets the concept, or will by Easter. I just want the girls to know this holiday is about way more than a bunny, eggs, chocolate, etc. It is all about hope.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Fun!

Last year, we borrowed an idea that I had heard from old friends about pranskter Leprachauns. So, the night of St. Patrick's Day "eve", those green men invaded our house and made a mess with lots of pranks. Ella loved it! Her favorite part was that they "licked" daddy's thumb while he slept and left green remnants of their trip.
This year, we decided to try to set a trap to catch one so they would reveal their gold stash. Surprisingly enough, we were unsuccessful. However, they did leave Ella and Kinsley some special "gold treasure" in the trap, as well as make a pretty big mess in the house.
It made for quite an exciting morning around here. To Ella's pleasant surprise, they even left a little green mark on her thumb this year. She couldn't believe they came into her room last night, but was thrilled they did and didn't want to wash it off.
Those pesky little guys! Maybe next year!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Come on Spring!

Not too much to update, but I thought I would post a few recent pictures. We are definitely ready for spring here! We have had a couple of warm days - we took full advantage! We spent 2 days at the zoo, and the others days playing outside as much as we could. I am thankful for our seasons, though. I am always excited for the next one as it approaches. As quick as they arrive, though, they seem to pass. Reminds me of how quickly my girls seem to grow and change. As I type, Ella is upstairs reading her familiar books. I say familiar because she has a select few that she truly can read from memory. Others recieve pretty creative stories. More and more each day, I am amazed at God's creation - usually through the girls. Somewhat uneventful week in our house, but just feeling blessed with where we are right now. And thankful!