Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Learning moments

I try to be intentional about not just allowing the days to pass without meaning. I love capturing the special, as well as the simply ordinary, moments in photos that I will cherish my entire life. I love building traditions with my girls. I love finding things for us to do during the days and creating memories. Earlier in the year, I posted our family values - one being to work hard to live a slow paced life. I feel we do well with that, but it isn't easy. Being slow paced requires effort, as crazy as it sounds. Something I think I struggle with is just "being".

Even as I type, I feel I should go upstairs and engage with Ella in the playroom. However, a lot of what I have been reading lately in my quiet time has focused on listening to God through prayer, reading, and mostly being still. As important as it is to create memories and be intentional with parenting, I am learning it is just as important to be still and be - an element of mothering / self - growth that I struggle with daily. I think when I focus on not focusing on things (ironic humor in that statement), I will notice blessings during those moments as well.

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