Ella is still taking gymnastics and loving it. She is really doing well and most of all, I love the confidence that she is developing as a result. I am still teaching the 4s class at preschool, making me Ella's teacher. I love being there with her. We recently have Mamas in Pajamas day, as well as celebrated Dr. Suess day (see pictures). I can't believe she will be starting school next year! SO crazy. If you are familiar with the Louisville area, you know that the school issue is huge. The school busing / acceptance deal is so crazy. You may live 1 mile from a school, but based on requests and demographics, may be sent downtown. Our "home reside" school wasn't a great choice for Ella, so we looked into other placements in our area. After a few visits and conversations, we were told we probably wouldn't get any of them, we have settled on Christian Academy for her for next year. It was a hard decision, especially for an avid public school teacher myself. We view it as a possible one year decision to help her adjust to the 5 day a week school concept, then go from there. Maybe we will move to a surrounding county, or I will take a teaching position - who knows. We are praying about it, though, and she is excited to start next year.
Kinsley is growing and changing. She talks constantly and is so fun loving. Her newest trick, that she loves to show off about every 5 minutes, is "Why?" Especially when you tell her to do something. We are loving that!!! I hear my mom echo in my ears often as I say, "Because I said so . . . " I don't actually remember my mom saying that often, but I think you always hear that phrase and reference it as something you won't repeat. Here's for saying never . . .
So not much of an update, but just a few recent pictures to share. We are healthy, happy, together, and loving the simple moments everyday brings us. What more could we possibly ask for?
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