Saturday, February 23, 2008

The ever dreaded potty!

I feel blessed daily that we have a wonderful daughter who truly is an easy child. She listens well, follows directions, interacts well with others, and is the light of our lives. Not that we would feel any different about her if she was a difficult child, of course! (But those of you that know my somewhat hyper husband - our child's demeanor was up in the air.) Just about everything with her has been fairly easy (or at least it seems like it now in hindsight!)

So, about 8 months ago, Ella started going to the potty - easiest thing ever. She did this consistently for about 3 weeks. I felt pretty impressed with our wonder child and thought - "Why does everyone talk about this being a major undertaking? Why does the SuperNanny earn big bucks training parents how to do this? They just need a child like ours that trains themselves."

Then reality hit for me and the novelty of the new task wore off for Ella. So I am still buying diapers and have an almost 2 1/2 year old that thinks diapers are great and her little potty can just be reserved for her cousins when they visit.

I know not to rush, but then I also know I would love to have this undertaking out of the way before the new baby arrives. What worked for the other moms that read this blog? Any tricks or ideas to pass along?

1 comment:

the ruffhouse said...

Oh how fun. Owen was "pee pee" trained for months, but would ask for a diaper for his other business till he was 2 1/2. Welcome! We had some luck with "Potty Training 1-2-3." However, in the end it REALLY is just when they are ready. No worries, she won't go to kindergarten in diapers. Good luck!