Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cupcakes for Haiti!

Some people have asked me for the "whole story" behind the cupcake adventure going on at our house. I figured on our blog was the easiest way to give the full story. Last week, right after the earthquake hit Haiti, Ella and I were watching part of the news. (To be honest, it was Good Morning America - I usually watch it while I fix the girls breakfast. It is not the same with Diane Sawyer, but I digress...)

So we saw some footage of Haiti and the devastation (what was viewable for Ella). We began talking about it and incorporated Haiti into our prayer time. I thought for a few days about something Ella could do to help the cause. Some friends suggested having her go door to door to ask for money, then make the donation on line. I loved the donation idea, but not a huge fan of asking for money. I just felt like there could be something more where she could be more actively involved.

If you know Ella, you know she LOVES to help in the kitchen - especially cupcakes. So . . . the cupcake idea was created. My original thought was to bake a batch, A BATCH, and split them. I would take 12 to work on Tuesday, and Ronnie would take the other 12. I thought we maybe would raise $20 and let her donate that and have a teachable moment. However, I believe when God gets a hold of one of our small ventures, He can turn it into something so much more!

We emailed our small group members and a few family friends. Word began to spread and people started emailing and calling us. Now, only 3 days later, we have baked over 200 cupcakes and Helping Haiti Cupcakes has raised over $650. Amazing!!! This "little" project for our 4 year old has turned into such a teachable adventure for our family. Instead of sitting back and looking at situations and thinking, "I'm just one person. What can I do?" I believe God has taught me through this that one person can do so much when G0d blesses an opportunity and venture.

We are so proud of her. The local news station, Wave 3, was at the house today to film the story. It has aired a few times and is on their website.

Since airing, we have had some more inquiries about cupcakes and donations. I guess we might be baking for a few more days! That's ok, though. It has been a very hectic week around here, but a rewarding one beyond words. She has worked hard - she puts in the liners, adds the ingredients, helps to stir, decorates with sprinkles, and writes a thank you note to each person that buys a cupcake. She has not complained one time, though. I wish I could say the same. By Tuesday night, when I hadn't sat down one time all day, but was still baking at 10:30 PM, I wasn't feeling very "servant like". I think that I why God wants us to watch and learn from children, though. She isn't impressed by the media coverage or dollar amount. She just knows that helping Haiti makes God happy. Simple.

Our prayer is that she learns whatever lesson God would choose through this. . . serving others, doing something to help regardless of age, and the power of prayer.

Thanks to everyone who has supported her efforts!


Unknown said...

What a great true story! :)

tish said...

Thanks Kristin! It has been so fun!